
Classes now open for registration:

⭐️ Learn ASL at Home Level 1A and 1C

⭐️ Language Tools for Parents

📆 Registration for the current cycle of classes is now closed.

⭐️ All classes are provided on Zoom, with Google Classroom to streamline group communication and file sharing.

⭐️ Thank you for learning with us!!

“Learn ASL at Home” class: Level 1A

Registration for the Spring 2025 cohort is now closed. The next Level 1A class will be in Fall 2025.

👉🏻This is a beginning-level class, following the ASL at Home curriculum Chapters 1-4. It will be available in a combined English-Spanish format with interpretation.

⭐️ Sundays from 10-11:15am PT / 1-2:15pm ET

⭐️ Independent prep work starts March 16th, 2025

⭐️ Zoom classes take place from March 23rd to May 18th, 2025

(no class April 20th for Easter weekend)

⭐️ Instructor: Sara Goico Alcantar (learn more about her here)

👉🏻 Zoom auto-captions will be available for anyone’s use. Please contact with any additional requests for accommodations.

“Learn ASL at Home” class: Level 1B

The most recent cohort was in Winter 2025. The next Level 1B class will be in Fall 2025.

👉🏻 This is an intermediate-beginner class following the ASL at Home curriculum, Chapters 5-8. To register for this class, you must have completed a Level 1A (Chapters 1-4) class or get instructor approval.

⭐️Sundays from 10:30-11:45am PST / 1:30-2:45pm EST

⭐️ Independent prep work starts January 5th, 2025

⭐️ Zoom classes take place from January 12th to March 9th, 2025

(no class February 16th for President’s Day)

⭐️ Instructor: Razi Zarchy (learn more about him here).

👉🏻 The language of instruction will be English. Zoom auto-captions will be available for anyone’s use. Please contact with any additional requests for accommodations.

“Learn ASL at Home” class: Level 1C

Registration for the Spring 2025 cohort is now closed. The next Level 1C class will be in Spring 2026.

👉🏻This is an intermediate-level class, following the ASL at Home curriculum Chapters 9-12.

⭐️ Sundays from 10:30-11:45am PT / 1:30-2:45pm ET

⭐️ Independent prep work starts March 16th, 2025

⭐️ Zoom classes take place from March 23rd to May 18th, 2025

(no class April 20th for Easter weekend)

⭐️ Instructor: Leah Geer (learn more about her here)

👉🏻 The languages of instruction will be American Sign Language and English with interpretation. Zoom auto-captions will be available for anyone’s use. Please contact with any additional requests for accommodations.

Language Tools for Parents

Registration for the Spring 2025 cohort is now closed.

👉🏻 This course is designed for parents and family members of deaf and hard of hearing children to support their child’s language development and socioemotional health.

⭐️ Zoom sessions will take place on Mondays:

⭐️ March 24th, 31st, and April 7th, 14th

⭐️ 5-6pm Pacific Time | 8-9pm Eastern Time

Course Description:

This course covers critical milestones in both ASL and English, strategies for fostering expressive and receptive language, pre-literacy skills, and socioemotional development. Parents will learn practical, everyday techniques to support their child’s language acquisition and emotional well-being, helping to create a strong foundation for communication and learning.

Learning Objectives:

👉🏻By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify key milestones in expressive and receptive language development for deaf and hard of hearing children, in both ASL and English, and apply these milestones to their child’s development.

  2. Implement strategies to enhance their child’s expressive language, including modeling language, providing choices, and using repetition and expansion techniques.

  3. Use receptive language strategies such as self and parallel talk, embedding language into daily routines, and creating language-rich environments at home.

  4. Incorporate pre-literacy activities into daily routines, understanding the benefits of reading to young children and adapting reading strategies to the child’s developmental stage.

  5. Support their child’s socioemotional development by recognizing and naming emotions, modeling emotional expression, and using positive reinforcement and fantasy play to navigate challenging behaviors.

NOTE: There are no prerequisites for this class. While it may be helpful if you’ve taken one of our “Learn ASL at Home” classes in the past, that is not a requirement for this course. This course is open to people with all levels of ASL skills!

👉🏻 The language of instruction is English. Zoom auto-captions will be available for anyone’s use. Please email to request any additional accommodations with at least 7 days' notice.

⭐️ Instructor: Cami Glach. Learn more about her here.


Screenshot of a slide that reads: "How to use ASL at Home's 2nd Edition. A Curriculum Training for Your Organization. Razi M. Zarchy, MS, CCC-SLP & Leah C. Geer, PhD. There is a yellow ASL at Home logo in the top right corner.

“How to Use ASL at Home” custom trainings for organizations

This customized training session will orient your staff to our curriculum and explain the various ways you can use it with the families you serve.

Organization trainings are scheduled at a time and date arranged between your organization and the ASL at Home co-authors.

Your purchase includes a 30-minute consultation to determine your organization's specific needs, plus a 2- or 3-hour training that includes plenty of time for a question-and-answer discussion.

Consultation Services

We provide a range of consultative services related to early intervention, speech and language, and ASL-learning support.

  • Live services (e.g., Zoom meetings) are provided at a rate of $150 per hour, billed in quarter-hour increments.

  • Asynchronous services (e.g., meeting prep, records review, emails/text conversations, etc.) are provided at a rate of $75 per hour, also billed in quarter-hour increments.

  • Billing is conducted via electronic invoice at the end of services provided or at the end of the calendar month, whichever comes first.

We will contact you within 48 hours of filling out the form below to arrange the consultation. Please ensure your email address and phone number are correctly typed. We will attempt to contact you first by email, and then by text message.

  • Consultations with Leah are provided in American Sign Language (ASL). If you require interpretation to access a meeting in ASL, you or your organization must provide interpreters. (If you are an individual, especially a family member of a deaf individual, and do not have the financial support of an organization to afford interpreters, please fill out the consultation form below and let us know. We will work with you to make it all work out.) Presently, Leah can provide services to families and professionals living anywhere.

  • Consultations with Razi are provided in ASL or English. Razi can provide services to families living in California and other professionals living anywhere.

Services may include but are not limited to:

  • Family language planning

  • Assessment planning

  • Assessment results interpretation

  • Goal/outcome development

  • Treatment/intervention planning, support, and problem-solving

  • Family counseling support

  • Audiogram interpretation

  • IFSP/IEP advocacy

  • Transition planning and support