Promoting Rich Accessible Language at Home:
An ASL Class for Families of Deaf Children
Students, thank you for participating in this project. The class has been a big success!
The information below is for reference purposes only.
We’re recruiting
Hello! Our names are Dr. Razi Zarchy and Dr. Leah Geer. We are faculty members at Sacramento State in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSAD) and American Sign Language and Deaf Studies.
Help us offer an ASL class for families with deaf and hard of hearing kids, right here at Sac State!
We received the President’s Research Enhancement Support grant! We’ll be running an in person, FREE cohort of our beginner-level Learn ASL at Home class for Sacramento-area families with deaf and hard of hearing children during the Fall 2024 semester.
We’re looking for Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSAD) and Deaf Studies students with a passion for working with deaf and hard of hearing students to help us with this project. 4 CSAD students + 1 alternate and 4 Deaf Studies students + 1 alternate will be selected. Please read the information below thoroughly and complete an interest form if you would like to be contacted about participating!
Class location: Maryjane Rees Speech and Language Clinic in Folsom Hall
(7667 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95826) at Sacramento State.
Dates: Orientation August 30. Class September 6 - November 22, 2024.
Tentative day/time: Fridays from 1:00-2:15pm. Childcare will be provided.
Note: This class will be taught in ASL and English with ASL-English interpreters.
Curious? Interested?
Thank you for your interest in our class! We held an information session on 4/19/24. Applications were due April 30, 2024 at 11:59pm.
Information for CSAD Students:
CSAD major seniors or graduate students who will have completed CSAD 146: Introduction to Clinical Issues & Methods by May 2024
Must be available on Fridays at 1pm during the Fall 2024 semester.
3rd-semester students in assessment clinic may participate - we will work around your clinic schedule whenever possible
Students in 4th-semester internships likely will not be able to participate due to scheduling
No minimum requirement for ASL skills (beginner-level skills acceptable)
Current resume
Application essay (~2 pages) including:
Reasons for your interest in this project
Experience working/volunteering with children and their families (include experience with disabled or deaf children, if you have any)
Description of 1-2 of your future goals after graduation (may include plans for engaging in the deaf community and/or working with deaf and hard of hearing children and their families)
Receive pre-class training on ASL at Home and parent coaching in facilitative language techniques and supporting families with deaf and hard of hearing children
Enroll in CSAD 199/299 (1-unit course) associated with this project (this will happen in Fall 2024)
Students will each teach at least one facilitative language technique to the whole group. Throughout the class, all students will lead small-group discussions and practice on the technique of the week
Attend weekly ASL class and participate in language instruction
Meet with Dr. Razi Zarchy every two weeks
Maintain a biweekly reflection journal
Optional additional opportunities to participate in research related to this project
Information for Deaf Studies Students:
Deaf Studies majors or minors who have passed DEAF 154 (ASL 4) with a C or higher before Fall 2024
Current resume
Video essay in ASL (no more than 5 minutes) describing the following:
Reasons for your interest in this project
Experience with childcare, if any
Description of 1-2 of your future goals after graduation (may include plans for remaining engaged in the deaf community and/or working with deaf and hard of hearing children and their families)
Receive pre-class training on ASL at Home (provided by the instructors) and child development and safety (2-hour free training here - participants will submit the certificate as proof of completing the training)
Enroll in DEAF 199 (1-unit course) associated with this project (this will happen in Fall 2024)
Provide onsite childcare to the deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing children of the parents and other family members attending the class
The childcare room will be next door to the classroom, so parents will be easily accessible if needed
Students may check out toys and activities from the clinic supply room
Meet with Dr. Leah Geer every two weeks
Maintain a biweekly reflection journal
Optional additional opportunities to participate in research related to this project
NOTE: All costs for Deaf Studies students for the requirements below will be reimbursed by the instructors through outside funding.
(Do not spend any money to complete these requirements until we have confirmed your acceptance into this project)
Requirements for all students:
All Sac State required vaccines in alignment with Sac State’s vaccine policy:
Annual TB test, Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Meningococcal ACWY (16-21 years), & Hepatitis B
The WELL at Sac State provides vaccination services. Book a vaccine appointment with Student Health and Counseling Services through Patient Portal or call 916-278-6461. If you do not have insurance, you may be eligible for a patient assistance program to help cover the cost of the vaccine.
CPR (child and adult) by the American Heart Association
We recommend the Basic Life Support (BLS) blended learning course. It includes 2 components: online HeartCode BLS (cost: $36) and in-person BLS Provider (cost ranges from $55 to $125 depending on location)
Background check through Castlebranch - follow the CSAD Background Check policy to complete it. Cost: $42.75 + $1.99 service fee
HIPAA training (details coming soon)
To apply:
Complete the application below. The instructors will follow up with you to let you know if you were accepted to the project and to provide information about training and other paperwork. Applications are closed - they were due Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 11:59pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Razi Zarchy at or 916-245-0327 (voice available, text preferred)